Tag: The Witcher

New evidence seems to reveal Millie Brady’s replacement as Renfri

“Who is the new Renfri?” This question has been looming over our heads ever since we learned that Millie Brady would no longer be playing the charismatic and dangerous princess from the short story “The Lesser Evil”. About a month ago we made an educated guess, and it seems we weren’t wrong!

Updated: A week of Witcher filming at Gyarmatpuszta, Hungary

Our last filming report covered the shooting nearby Gyarmatpuszta Hunting Lodge, which occurred during May’s third week. A week later, we are able to place the crew once again at this location, filming both day and night shoots. We’ve already gotten a first look at Nilfgaardian armor, but now we have some new information (and

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Updated: Henry Cavill, Freya Allan and others filmed on location at Gyarmatpuszta, Hungary

Though our past few articles focused on the Nilfgaardian siege camp, it wasn’t the only location used for May’s third week of filming. The week’s second location was a lakeside forest by Gyarmatpuszta Hunting Lodge at Kumarom-Esztergom, Hungary. While a siege was waged at Paty, Pest, the filming at Gyarmatpuszta involved a more intimate shoot

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Redanian Intelligence Exclusive: First look at a Nilfgaardian set!

It has been seven months since filming of season one of The Witcher began. We have seen various blurry photos from the sets, mainly featuring the locations and occasionally actors as well. We have seen sorceresses, mages, common folk, and even Geralt, but we know next to nothing of what Nilfgaard looks like in the

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