Director Marc Jobst is back to filming and another location revealed

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Despite filming at the Egri castle seemingly having come to an end, new details still emerge. Marc Jobst, who has been filming scenes at the Polish Ogrodzieniec castle for the season finale, is back. He tweeted a photo from the Egri location, although the photo could have been taken the day prior:

This would further confirm his involvement in The Witcher and the theory that what they have been filming at Egri is the same sequence as what they have filmed at Ogrodzeniec. But these two are not the only locations for those scenes!

Near Egri, about 850 meters and 13 minutes away, is a quarry. We cannot say how exactly this location is connected story-wise, but we can at least locate Royce Pierreson’s Istredd there and a very mysterious rider. Notice the soil in his Instagram post:

And here we have other photos from filming:

As you can see on the map and as mentioned above, the quarry is very close to the Egri castle, so they could have been going back and forth between the two locations. Especially since we saw Lauren’s Instagram post yesterday from a smoky set. It could have been either one of those.

With the production filming scenes with Yennefer, Vilgefortz, Sabrina, Triss, Fringilla and others at Egri castle, the scenes filmed with Istredd and the rider seem connected somehow. It is also possible that the Istredd scenes are for an entirely different episode. We’ll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, we will keep our watch.

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